Values of Freedom of expression: Promotion of Innovation

The eight values of free expression include the marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on government power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect dissent. The value that I find most meaningful to me is promote innovation. It is described as that in a community that allows free speech is more energized, creative, and interesting. The people within the community fulfil themselves in many creative interesting ways. I find this most important, especially being a communication major, because with the power of free speech it allows us to be creative. In a creative world we life is more interesting and fun. Having free speech allows for me to pursue any career I want to and speak of it in my own way. It allows everyone to create things in their own way. Everyone is different and they all have different talents. Having free speech makes the community diverse and interesting. Being a communication major, I have many opportunities to express myself in my work to the people around me. Without free speech, my dream career of working in social media would not be achievable. The thing I love most about social media is that it allows everyone to express who they are in their own way.  

I feel as if this value is the most underrated. I think people take it for granted sometimes. Every movie, every book, every painting, and every technology we use or see every day is because of our right to free expression. Without it, our community would not be creative, diverse, or interesting. Freedom of expression allows for our creative juices to flow allowing us to create these wonderful movies, books, paintings, and technology we use every day. Each person has their own talents and thoughts, so mixed with the right of free expression allows for the creation of our entertainment and enjoyment in the world. While being a communication major I interact with people who aspire to be video game producers, film makers, and journalist. These are the people that use their right of free expression to produce something that the whole world can enjoy. If they were not aloud to express their feelings freely then their work would not be their “own” now would it? Allowing for the right of free expression allows for our world to create and improve inventions that make our world keep turning today. 

I can use this blog as an example to show how important the value of promoting innovation that the right of free expression brings us. Without the right of free speech, I myself, along with many others, would not be able to create blogs that express our opinions freely. Blogs give people a platform to express their opinions and promote their own ideas. It allows them to be creative and create content that entertains others around them. Creativeness and innovation go hand in hand with the right of free speech. The world is enjoyable because of this right. I think people take for granted the values that come along with free speech and do not realize how much it brings to our world today. I hope people take advantage of their right and use it to its full potential and leave the world better then they found it.
To read about the other seven values associated with freedom of expression click here


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