Thoughts on Technology

Technology. Is it bad or is it good? In my opinion nothing really is all bad or all good. I think technology effects everyone differently and could be good for one person and bad for another. The impact it has had on everyone if different. I think my relationship with technology is starting to reach the unhealthy side of it, especially during this pandemic. I grew up with such advanced technology that I cannot image life any other way. I for sure take it for granted. I spend so much time online through social media and just browsing the internet. I do not go a day without checking all my social media accounts. During this pandemic I rely on it for my entertainment. I think there are many people that do the same and it’s because it makes life easier. We are always looking for ways to make things easier. Technology has definitely made our lives easier. 

I was reading an article about the impacts’ technology has and it talked about how it has started making us lazy. I think that is true. For example, in school now when students are doing research projects they just type a question in to google and expect an answer right away. Most of the time there is an answer right away, but if it is not a credible source, students often get discouraged very quickly and give up. It is not a bad a thing that now we can just type in a question and 9 times out of 10 we get an answer right away. It actually quite the opposite. It is amazing, but with that amazingness comes laziness as well. To read the article click here

Everyone talks about how we use technology like social media to stay connected with people. That is true but in reality, how connected are we actually with our online friends. I do get to know what is going on with my family that lives far away, which is a huge positive to social media, but there are many cases that shows social media as a negative thing. Recently people have been saying it has also isolated them from reality. Social media takes people away from living their lives in actual time and turning it in to living through a screen. Teenagers are often comparing their lives to the lives that their friends post online. The truth is they are not posting the bad things that are happening in their lives so their perfect lives are actual only half the story. This has led to an increase in suicides in the last decade or so. source  That is a huge negative impact technology has on our world and it needs to stop. The problem is not with the technology itself it is the way we use it.
There are many brands and companies out there trying to use social media in a positive matter and stop the negativity that social media brings on the youth. Dove is a great example as they are using social media to promote real beauty. Social media has had a great impact on our world. The truth is the way we use it makes it negative but with the help of companies like Dove we are changing the way we use it in a more positive direction.

I think our world with technology is better, but I think it has caused some issues as well. I personally think technology has taken over my life and I do realize that I do spend a lot of time using it throughout the day. I do plan on using it less once quarantine is over because I realized during this time how important face to face communication is. I am very thankful for the technology we have today I just need to learn to use it less, so it has a more positive impact on me. Thanks for reading this post! Please feel free to write your opinions on technology in the comments. 


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