A little about me!

Hi Everyone, I wanted to write a post that explained who I am. My name is Paige Larini. I am a sophomore at High Point University. I grew up right outside Philadelphia in a small town called Huntingdon Valley. I decided to come to North Carolina to experience something new and thought High Point University offered me some opportunities. I first came in as an Event Management major but switch to Strategic Communications at the end of my freshmen year. So far, I have loved the classes I have had for my major. After graduation I hope to enter the field of social media or advertising. I think High Point offers me so many resources that will help me reach my goal of entering that field. I have also added two minors, marketing and social media marketing, that will help me broaden my skills set. During my time in college I have joined a sorority, the club softball team, and the honor society here on campus. I have taken on some leadership roles in my sorority in which I hope to gain knowledge and experience in leading others. I hope to get an internship in the next year and broaden my skills in the social media field or the advertising field. I think we learn best by experience, so I try to take advantage of every opportunity life gives me. 

On a more personal goal, I hope to travel the world after graduation. In high school I had my first travel experience to Europe. I traveled to Spain my summer going into senior year. It was the most amazing experience and I have had the travel bug ever since. During my time at High Point I hope to study abroad in Italy and travel more. I hope that in the beginning stages of my job after graduation brings me opportunities to travel and see the world around me. I am so interested to find out what else is out there in the world. Well that is a little about me and I hope that enjoy my blog posts that are soon to come!
My Friends and I zip lining in Costa Rica 
A picture taken while my time in Spain 
A picture taken while my time in Spain 


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