Super Bowl Week

The first thing I think of when I hear the words "Super Bowl" is commercials. Half of the people I know only watch the Super Bowl because of the commercials. Almost all Americans know that each commercial during the Super Bowl costs a ridiculous amount of money. But why? The reason is that the Super Bowl is the most watched show during the whole year. According to 98.2 million people watched the Super Bowl in 2019. Even though less people are watching it, the cost of a 30-second advertisement slot continues to go up. Last year it costed $5.25 million for one 30-second slot. (Read more about last year's numbers click here)

The reason I brought up the Super Bowl in the first place was because I am really interested in the advertisement aspect of it all. I am a Strategic Communication major and hope one day to work in the Advertisement or Social Media field. In today's world those two fields are starting to go hand in hand. These fields bring communication onto another level.

This week is Super Bowl week. Which means this week is a great one to grab people's attention through Super Bowl activities. This year the Super Bowl is taking place in Miami, Florida. Miami is already a tourist destination but this week it is bringing in even more people than normal. Companies and brands are using the Super Bowl in their favor. They have set up pop-up events, concerts, and other social media attracting activities. Companies are using the Super Bowl to attract people to their events. At these events they are creating picture worthy backgrounds and actvitites for their clientele to post to their social media platform. They are using their customers as their build-in advertisers. Lowes has created a  pop up event in Miami Beach Convention center with 32 dwellings to represent each NFL team. They are hoping tourist who are coming will visit the pop-up and take a picture to post to their social media. This allows Lowes to use the tourists as their own personal advertisers.

Many people have always used the Super Bowl as an advertsing platform but now they are using it in a different way. In the past companies have used the Super Bowl just for the commercial time but as we can see from the Lowes example, companies are using the event as platform for other events. They are still using the commericals as advertisement but now they have found more opportunities to broadcast their ideas and products. Companies and brands are now using the commercial time to create a story. In this article I read it talks about how some of the commercials this year are created in the way to tell a story.  Vice President at rbb communication says " The Super Bowl used to be just about the commercials, but what we're seeing is its evolution as a storytelling platform. Brands are getting involved with it to tell stories about real-life issues and how they are helping,". (To read the full article click here )
I find it so interesting how one event cab have such an impact on the world. The Super Bowl is more than a game. You can see how we have created it into a platform for communication. With hope to enter into social media and advertising, I have to stay up to date with the communication world itself. As you read above, the way people are using the Super Bowl as a communication platform is forever changing. With social media playing a huge role in how we communicate, companies are now and will continue to use that to their advantage. I think social media is a great invention in the way that  it helps make communication between everyone easier and more accessible. How do you feel social media has impacted your life and the lives around you? 


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