Why Be a Communication Major?

This week someone asked me “why I was a communications major.” My automatic response to that question is usually “because I find it fascinating how the way we communicate is forever changing.” I answered the question like normal, but then I could not stop wondering why people choose communications as a major. I wanted then to find out why people chose it. I came across an article on odyssey.com that was titles “11 Reasons Why Being A Communication Major is the Best.” The reasons that were listed included; there are so many fields of study in our major, the students in our department are unlike any other, the professors are off the chain, the bond we have is indescribable, we meet all kinds of people, our possibilities are endless, our skills are versatile, social media is our job, we know the First Amendment by heart, we create what the public sees and hears, and we love what we do. I mostly related to the reasons of we meet all kinds of people, our possibilities are endless, our skills are versatile, social media is our job, and we create what the public sees and hears.

My goal after graduation is to venture into the social media field or advertising field. I feel as if the skills I am learning now will get me there and they are very versatile so if I change my mind I can without too much of a setback. I meet different kinds of people in all my classes. I meet people who are going into the gaming field who are typically laid back and very virtual. I also meet event management majors who are very outgoing and very organized and love to plan. These people typically are very different but being a communication major, I get to learn from them every day. Another reason I love this major is because social media is our job. I am person who loves social media and thinks it has impacted our world in a very positive way. This major is so amazing, and I am so glad that I chose it. I always encourage people to try it out and most of the time they wind up loving it. If you are a communication major what is your favorite part and why did you choose it? To read the full article click here


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